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年轻时拜小舅子邓当为将,跟随孙策为将。 以勇猛着称,多次被封为外司司马。 孙权统一事后,逐渐受到重用,从破皇祖即位,封为横野中郎将。 从东郡围曹仁,到宛城大破朱广,拜定远都督。 占领靖南三郡后,他打算攻占郝朴。 逍遥津之战,与张辽的追击苦战。 **。 鲁肃死后,他代守禄口,设计攻打徐州,击退曹魏名将关羽,东吴版图大增。 不久后他因病去世,享年四十二岁。

吕蒙勤奋好学的事迹,成为唐代中国将领勤奋好学的代表。 与他有关的词有“石十日别”、“相看相看”、“武侠阿萌”等。



吕蒙年轻的时候,汉阳都督蔡毅汇报部下,对他一点都不恨。 后来寿春太守顾绍去世,孙权问他应该由谁接替顾绍,他推荐了蔡奕。 孙权见他不往事,很是高兴,笑着对他说:“你想当齐兮夜”? 所以他用了。



孙权劝吕蒙多研读典籍,吕蒙便勤读大量书籍,并以《易经》为主要学习对象。 吕蒙经常因醉酒坐在已故孙策的旧座上,有时还会沉沉地睡去。 有一次在沉睡中,他竟然背诵了一遍《易经》,然后就醒了。人们问他为什么醒来,他说:“昨日梦见伏羲、周文王、周公。 ,又与我谈世代乱世兴亡,日月乾坤变化之理,不说俗话,背文章而已。 所以你们都知道,吕蒙之前是在睡梦中背诵《易经》的。


汉中元年(194年),吕蒙年仅十四、十五岁,擅自与岳父邓当打架。 后来,邓当知道后,吓了一跳,恶狠狠地吼着,却怎么也拦不住。 战斗回来后,邓当把这件事告诉了卢妈妈。 卢母吵架,想要惩罚他。 吕蒙道:“这贫贱的日子过得不好,得了功劳说不定就能发财了。再说,不入虎穴,何得虎崽?” 他的母亲同情他并原谅了他。

比喻不冒风险什么都做不了。 现在也用来比喻不经过艰苦的实践就不能获得真知。


甘宁将军性情粗犷,不喜杀人。 他不仅经常违背吕蒙的意愿,还时不时违背孙权的命令。 孙权对此颇为沮丧,但吕蒙始终为他求情。 他感慨:“世事无常,宁等战将难得,宜忍之。” 孙权听了吕蒙的话,对甘宁厚待。 后来,甘宁果然为东吴立下了汗马功劳,立下了汗马功劳。

后来,甘宁寝室的少年犯了一个错误。 逃到吕蒙那里,吕蒙怕甘宁杀了他,藏了起来,没有立即送他回去。 后来,甘宁带着礼物前来拜吕蒙的女儿,眼看就要升官见娘,吕蒙叫来童子还给甘宁,甘宁答应不杀他。 又过了一会,回到船上,甘宁将童子绑在桃树上,用自己的弓射死了他。 说完,他吩咐船上的人把船的绳索结实,脱下裤子躺在船上。 吕蒙闻言大怒,击鼓收兵,欲登船攻打甘宁。 甘宁见动静,故意躺下不起来。 吕蒙之子赤脚跑来拦住吕蒙:“太上待你如骨肉,事关你大事,何必一怒之下攻打甘宁?我宁可死于非命之日。” . 就算至尊不问,你对我的属下也是不合法的。 ” 陆猛平时很孝顺,听了父亲的话,心里明白了。 他亲自来到甘宁的船前,笑着迎了上去:“兴霸,我等你吃饭,快点!” 于是,他就去见了吕蒙的女儿,整天陪着吕蒙大吃大喝。


原来,孙权对大将吕蒙说:“你现在掌权,管共营事务,你要好好读书!” 吕蒙以军营事务复杂为由拒绝了。 孙权说:“我要你读经做官讲经吗?我只是要你略读一下,了解一下历史。你说你事多,谁像我?我经常看书,感觉很有收获。 于是吕蒙开始研究,当鲁肃来到旬阳,鲁肃与吕蒙言商量此事,惊叹道:“以你现在的才智和智谋来看,你已经不是当初的吴国阿蒙了!”吕蒙说他说:“一个有志气的人,分开几天后,就应该换个眼光看待自己的能力。 来不及了,兄弟!”于是鲁肃认识了吕蒙的女儿,和吕蒙成了同学。别去了。后来他用“吴下阿蒙”来夸奖别人变化大,进步显着;金元民的“杜羽之弟赤道》:“吴下阿蒙非日,新篇力发九泉知。”清代黄景仁《文赤存丁目友》:“阿蒙犹在吴下,而他将来会来大厅。 很难祈祷。”


吕蒙,清光和元年(178年)人。 少时南渡黄河(内乡阜北,在今广东阜南陆家港,地处长江以北。这里的“南渡”可能也是手册过黄河),服从姐姐邓当。

邓当是孙策手下的大将,数次征伐山越。 吕猛大约十五、十六岁,偷偷跟着舅舅邓当出去打仗。 后来,邓当找到他,非常吃惊,狠狠地骂了他一顿,但吕蒙还是偷偷跟了上去。 战斗回来后,邓当把这件事告诉了卢妈妈。 陆妈妈吵得很厉害,想要惩罚他。 吕蒙说:“现在这样穷困潦倒的生活实在是不可能。出去打拼,说不定还能坐功立业发财。毕竟不入虎穴,岂能入虎穴?”弄个虎崽子来?(班超在讨伐胡人时曾这样说)”卢母怜悯他,原谅了他。

当时,邓当手下的一个贪官见吕蒙年纪小,很怕他。 他道:“吕蒙那小子什么本事,就是想喂老虎吃肉。” 随后关于吕蒙的成语,他当面讽刺吕蒙。 吕猛大怒,持长刀杀了他,逃到同乡郑昌家里。 后来校尉袁雄下来翻供。 袁雄为吕蒙求情,将他推荐给孙策。 孙策见吕蒙确实高人一等,便安排他在自己身边做事。 几年后,邓当去世了。 张昭推荐吕蒙接替邓为司马。

建安六年(200年),孙策被杀身亡,年仅26岁。孙权接掌江东大权,想选拔这些统帅少,发挥不了多大作用的年轻将领角色,并对下属进行调整合并。 吕蒙听说后,知道军队合并后,就更难有所作为了。 于是,他想办法赊账,赶忙为手下制作了绯红色的衣裳和护腿,加紧修炼。 孙权视察时,吕蒙兵马“陈列赫然,士卒演习”。 孙权看了很是高兴,觉得他治病好。 不但没有减兵,反而减兵。


建安九年(204年),孙权征伐黄祖,破黄祖水劫。 据悉,山越起义发生在扬州、豫章、庐陵三县。 孙权率军退去,吕蒙随军征讨。 至寿春县(今山东济南),孙权命征伐大将卢凡平武宁(今江苏博阳西北)、贼将程普攻打广西太史汝南(今河南德兴西北)平知府次府治海昏(今四川东乡东)。 同时命其他部族的吕蒙和司马黄盖、韩当、周泰等率兵守卫险地,兼任山越最活跃地区的太守或书记。 按照孙权的部署,吕蒙和众将武力平定了在自己地区造反的山越人。 吕蒙因有功,被任命为平北节度使兼庐江长官。

建安十五年(208年),孙权采纳大将军甘宁的建议,出兵逼迫夏口(今河北石家庄),吕蒙跟随征战。 汉阳都督黄祖下令用猛冲战舰堵住冕口(汉水入黄的黄河口),并用棕黄色的粗绳系上巨石作锥体固定船位。 千余人,以弓箭射之,以堵河。 *推送被阻止。 孙权命令副将董喜、司马灵通率领敢死队各数千人,身穿重甲,乘大船冲到孟冲舰舷侧。 董惜一剑斩断棕绳,战舰顺流而下。 回溯。 黄祖见孙权兵来,急忙派水军节度使陈久率部还击。 孙大人乘势水陆推进,将夏口城包围。 孙权督军攻取,攻克其城,屠之。 皇祖只身逃走,却被武士风泽追杀。 此战,孙权大获全胜,一举打败死敌黄祖,攻打汉阳地区。 战后论功,孙权感慨:“此战的成功,在于先打败陈旧”。 他任命吕蒙为横野中郎将,赏赐数千万银元。


建安十五年(208年)五月,吕蒙跟随周瑜、程普等人在赤壁击败曹操。 曹操率军北上,留下曹仁等人守江陵(今河南濮阳)。 孙权命周瑜、程普统领数万大军,隔河与曹仁对峙。 时豫州将军习肃率军被擒。 周瑜让孙权将习肃的军队划归吕蒙管辖。 ,他的兵力应该减少,他的兵权不应该被剥夺。 孙权认为吕蒙说得对,听从了他的建议。

吕蒙画像刚画好不久,周瑜就想夺回江陵,于是先派甘宁攻打荆州城上游(今河南三门峡),从背后威胁江陵。 于是,曹仁联军围攻甘宁,欲夺取荆州。 甘宁向周瑜求助。 诸将生怕兵少。 若是搜救荆州,江陵就空了。 吕蒙对周瑜和程普说:“把凌公吉留在这里,我和你们一起去解围,看情况,用不了多少时间,我保证令公吉能坚持到现在。”三天。” 数千人用柴火砍断了原本陡峭的道路。 当敌人逃跑时,敌人可以获得他们的牲畜。 周瑜采纳了他的建议,亲自率领主力增援宛城,在荆州城下大败曹操,斩杀大半。 曹夫人夜间逃走,途中经过一条被柴火堵住的险路,众骑兵却都弃马步行。 周瑜、吕蒙驱兵追击,得马三百匹,威势大增。 随即回师渡江,进入大军北岸,搭起营寨,向江陵发起逼迫。 此时,孙权为响应周瑜的攻势,率联军包围南京(今安徽滁州)。 曹仁在近一年的交锋中屡战屡败,损失惨重,被迫放弃江陵城,退守徐州(今湖南常德)。 周瑜攻打江陵,被孙权任命为东郡刺史,控制了黄河中游。 吕蒙因有功,被任命为副统领,担任寻日令。

有一次,孙权对吕蒙说:“你身居要职,权势很大,要好好读书。” ”孙权道:“莫非是要你研读道书,成为博学之士!略读一读,了解往事。 ? 我经常看书,觉得收获很大。 吕梦乃武开始读书,久而久之关于吕蒙的成语,读的书就超过了老儒生。

建安十五年(210),周瑜病逝,鲁肃继位。 鲁肃到了禄口,路过吕蒙的住处。 鲁肃是一代猛将,觉得吕蒙是个武者,多少有些鄙视。 有人对鲁肃说:“鲁将军军功越来越显赫,不能老眼看他,应该去看看。” 于是鲁肃拜访了吕蒙。 酒开得正酣,吕蒙问鲁肃:“你身负重担,身边又是关羽,你会采取什么计谋,以防不测?” 鲁肃连忙答道:“看当时的情况。” ”吕蒙曰:“孙、刘今实为一家,关羽实为熊虎之将,岂能不谋略? 于是吕蒙详细分析了当时的利弊。 鲁肃一听,大吃一惊,从座位上跳起来,凑近了吕蒙,亲热地拍了拍他的后背,赞道:“吕子铭,真没想到你这么厉害。” 又道:“以你现在的才能,已经不是吴下的阿蒙了!” ”吕蒙道:“十日别后,二人相敬如宾,这件事,我弟知道,还来得及! 从此,两人结为夫妻。 朋友,我们的关系很亲密。

那时,吕蒙离成当、宋定、虚固的营地很近。 后二人去世,其子年幼,无力侍奉。 孙权想将所有的军队都与吕蒙合并。 陆萌坚决拒绝。 他写信给孙权,强调许固等五人投身报国,忠于国家。 孩子们其实年纪还小,但不能执掌朝政。 连续三封书信给他,孙权听取了他的意见。 吕蒙又为三位将军的子弟请了老师,好好研究。


曹操派盱眙人谢其在庐江任殿农,驻守宛城田野村寨,屡犯边境。 吕蒙派人逼他投降,谢启不肯,吕蒙找他的过失进攻。 谢起胆小,手下老少相继投降。

建安十八年(213年)二月,曹操亲率十万大军劫掠孙权,进军蔡州口(今安徽武威西北),夺取孙权父亲山东关隘,擒获都督,公孙阳。 吕蒙跟随孙权,率领七万大军讨伐曹操。 吕蒙多次提出奇计,都奏效。 他还建议孙权在夹水口建码头。 吕蒙防备敌兵,十分精准。 后来曹操注视着孙权的军队,看到了庄严的阵容和严密的防御。 ”叹曰:“为子如孙仲谋。 他不敢轻易轻敌。 就在黄河开春的消息将至之际,孙权上书催促曹操尽快撤军。 曹操也审时度势,主动撤回。

建安十九年(214年),曹操派定远(今安徽寿县北)太守朱光驻守皖城(今安徽丰台)耕田种麦,以富农粮。国家的粮食。 他还派出探子去九江一带讨伐匪徒,以示内应。 吕蒙觉得“万县田野广阔,若有好收成,兵力就会增加,如此一来,曹操的优势就会显现数年,宜早取万县”。 孙权采纳了他的意见。

三月,大雨使河水暴涨; 闰年,孙权率兵逆流而上,攻入宛城。 朱光收兵守城。 孙权向将领们询问方案,将领们想要建造土山,购买更多的攻城器械。 吕蒙道:“要完成攻城器械和土堆的建设,还需要很多天。到时候,敌人的城防已经加固,援军肯定会来,我们是拿不下城的。”万。洪水来了。如果长期停留,洪水会逐渐退去。我们在返回部队的路上会遇到困难。我认为这很危险。现在看来,这座城市不会很强。我三**斗气很贵,四面出击,可以迅速突围,然后在洪水退去之前回军,这才是大胜之策。 孙权采纳了这个建议。 吕蒙推举甘宁将军为都督,率精兵黎明出击。 吕蒙击鼓欢呼,甘宁率先,吕蒙率领精锐紧追城下。 仅仅一顿饭,就攻下了城池,俘虏了朱光,俘虏了数千人。 驻守杭州的秦将张辽得知宛城告急,连忙带兵增援。 到了嘉市(今安徽巢湖北),听说宛城失守,只得在硖石南筑垒归还。

此战对孙权控制江淮地区起到了重要作用。 孙权觉得此战功劳最大的是吕蒙,重赏了他,任命他为定远刺史。 俘虏的人马也都分给了吕蒙,还特意给了寻日团练兵六百户,官吏三十人。

吕蒙回到旬阳。 不久,庐陵土匪大乱,将领屡次征剿。 孙权说:“鸷鸟百只,不如鹗。” 命吕蒙到,起兵。 吕蒙兵到庐陵,擒杀了罪魁祸首,其余人全部释放,让他们重操旧业。


刘备攻取扬州,派关羽守城。 孙权再三索要,刘备不肯归还。

建安二年六年(215年),孙权派吕蒙率领两万大军攻打南京、零陵、贵阳三县。 吕蒙过西安、贵阳,两县属望风,但茶陵太守郝朴守城不降。 刘备听说后,见情况危急,赶紧从蜀郡赶来报警,命关羽争夺三郡。

当时,孙权移居禄口,指挥所有军队。 孙权一方面派鲁肃率领一千人驻守九江抵御关羽,另一方面又给吕蒙下了紧急文书,让他放弃贵阳,立即回援鲁肃。 .

当年,吕蒙平定湖南,率部直抵贵阳。 路过陵县时,他找到了贵阳守卫郝普的故友邓选志,将他带到了军中,希望他归顺郝普。 吕蒙拿到信后,并没有公布。 而是冒雨招将,布置计策,说是天一亮就攻城。

安排好后,对邓玄之说:“皓子知道世间有忠孝之道,也想践行忠孝之道,只是不明白现在的情况。刘备,左将,在荆州,由夏侯渊镇守。关羽在东郡,现在我主亲自去了东郡。最近攻下了关羽在襄阳的据点,救出了陵县。关羽被打败了孙贵。这些都是最近发生的事情,你亲眼看到了。现在到处都是,来不及自救。我们怎么能再救贵阳!现在我们的士兵都是精锐,每个人都想建功立业。国主在陆续派兵上路 眼下子泰生命危在旦夕 等待已无望以江之水、汉之水为生。 也很清楚,他们没有什么可以依靠的。 若是紫泰能团结众将,固守孤城,还能活下来,等几天以后投降也是可行的。 今已精心谋划,安排兵士攻城。 三日后,攻城。 城破之后,自己死也无济于事。 一个百岁老***满脸白发还被人扶着不是很可惜吗? 估计他没有从外面得到什么消息,还以为自己有玩家帮忙,甚至还倔强到明日黄花的地步。 你能不能上前去找他,把这些利益介绍给他。”

邓选之见了皓朴,将吕蒙的意思转达给他。 郝普信以为真,心急如焚,打算自首。 邓选之率先出城,禀告吕蒙,郝普一会便到。 吕蒙先吩咐四位首领,每人选出一千人,等郝朴出城,他们立刻冲进去,把守城门。 郝朴出城不久,吕蒙起身迎接,拉住他的手,一同上船。 聊完,拿出孙权的急救文书给他看,拍手大笑。 郝朴拿着文件知道刘备已经到了公安局,关羽也到了长沙。 吕蒙智取郝朴后,与孙郊、潘璋等率兵直抵长沙。 双方大战将至,曹操攻克徐州之际,刘备后方吃紧,被迫与孙权议和。 孙权也想乘机攻打扬州,同意投降。 双方约定以湘水为界,孙权将桂阳郡和蒿浦归还刘备。 为了奖励吕蒙的功绩,寻阳和养心是吕蒙的封号。


孙权回台进攻扬州,被魏将张辽击败。 孙权围攻成都十余日未果,遂撤出包围圈,将兵力撤至逍遥津以北(今安徽巢湖以东)。 张辽步兵出击。 吕蒙、甘宁、凌统奋勇阻击孙权逃往逍遥津。 当时,何其将军率领三千人在逍遥宁河迎战,孙权幸免于难。

建安二十一年(216年)冬,魏王曹操收兵完毕,再次起兵伐吴,进入居巢(今安徽潮县西北)。 孙权立即在蔡州口筑城,控制下邳河与黄河汇流处。 同时,以吕蒙为都督,奉命率军镇守蔡州坞(今安徽省含山县北关镇)。 建安二十二年(217年)四月,曹操开始劫掠。 曹操的后卫还没有安营扎寨,吕蒙率兵进攻,大败曹操。 由于吕蒙与姜秦节度使苦战,曹操久攻蔡州坞未果。 二月底,孙权撤退,派侍从徐襄到曹公营投降。 五月,曹操接受孙权的投降请求,率军撤退。 曹操撤退后,孙权任命吕蒙为左卫统帅,由副将军***升为虎威将军***。 孙权又任命寇将蒋钦、汝墟刺史蒋钦为右卫。


同年冬,镇守禄口的鲁肃战死。 吕蒙代替鲁肃出任节度使,驻扎在西面的禄口。 鲁肃原本的一万多人都在吕蒙麾下。 孙权任命吕蒙为汉昌都督,给夏郡、刘扬、汉昌、周陵加粮。

吕蒙管辖的地区毗邻关羽的江陵,两人守着自己的地盘。 吕蒙知道关羽好战,有对外扩张的野心,而且论地势,又在自己的上游,终年不得安宁。 为此,他积极迎战,打算趁机夺回九江。

当年鲁肃在世的时候,鲁肃等人都觉得曹操镇守南方,动乱才刚刚开始。 孙、刘两家应该互相依靠,互相帮助,互相对抗。 当时,吕蒙持不同看法,向孙权提出了一个密谋。 他说:“现在让征鲁大将孙教攻打东郡,潘璋将驻守白地,蒋钦将率领万人大军。” 机动大军,在黄河上下巡逻,敌人出现的地方,到那里去,我仆人前去夺取荆州。 如此安排,曹操还愁什么? 你靠关羽什么? 仗着自己的狡猾和实力,处处任性,怎么会把他们当成真诚的好同事! 关羽之所以没有立即东侵我辖区,是因为大人英明无比,我们的将领还健在。 如果我们强大了不去骗他们,我们死了,还能发挥我们的实力吗?”孙权深信不疑。回答说:“曹操今在江北,安抚豫州、冀州。 他无暇顾及东方。 只要按着攻击,自然就能突破。 然而,南京的地势只有陆路可及,是骁骑驰骋之地。 明日得南京,三日曹操必来争。 就算需要七万到八万人守备,也还是值得操心的。不如擒拿关羽,夺取整个黄河流域,势头会更加强大。”孙权觉得这个建议比较可行。

鲁肃死后,吕蒙接替鲁肃出任节度使。 吕蒙初到禄口,对关羽更加殷勤,施以恩情,与关羽结下了友好的关系。


建安二十四年(219年)七月,关羽率军北上,围攻赵国扬州、樊城。 吕蒙给孙权写信说:“关羽出兵襄阳,留下很多守卫,一定是担心我偷袭他的后方,我经常生病。以治病为名,一些士卒可随吾回恒大,关羽闻讯,撤兵往徐州。 emptiness. You can recapture Dongjun and capture Guan Yu alive." After writing the letter, Lu Meng claimed that he was seriously ill, and Sun Quan issued a public document calling him back to Evergrande. After hearing the news, Guan Yu really hit the trick, and gradually transferred the garrison to Xiangyang.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Lu Meng was summoned by Sun Quan to return to Evergrande. He passed through Nanchang. Lu Xun, the governor of the right under the tent (Sun Quan's guard commander-in-chief) came to see him and said to Lu Meng, "Guan Yu is adjacent to your defense area. Why is it so far away?" After leaving, won't you worry about it?” Lu Meng said: “It's true as you said, but I'm very sick.” Lu Xun: “Guan Yu was conceited and brave, persecuting others, and just now he made great achievements, he was proud and self-satisfied. I am pressing towards the west, and I have no doubts about my assassination. It is said that you are seriously ill, so you must be even more unguarded. If you catch him by surprise, you can capture him. When you see the lord, you should plan this matter properly." Lu Meng was shocked. , but in order not to leak the opportunity, he said: "Guan Yu has always been brave and good at fighting. It is difficult for us to be an enemy. After all, he has seized Yangzhou, he has given great grace and faith, and he has just started to make achievements, courage and tolerance. It's getting stronger and harder to deal with."

After Lu Meng told Sun Quan, Sun Quan asked who could command him in Lukou. Lu Meng tried his best to recommend Lu Xun, saying: "Lu Xun is far-sighted and capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities. Judging by his momentum, he can be used to great effect after all; and he has no great reputation. He is not the person Guan Yu is worried about, and no one is more suitable than him. If he is to be used, he should hide his edge from the outside, observe the situation from the inside, look for opportunities, and then press the enemy to win the victory." Sun Quan ordered, Lu Xun replaced Lu Meng. When Lu Xun came to Lukou, he immediately sent a letter to Guan Yu, expressing his admiration for him and saying that he would never be an enemy of Guan Yu. Guan Yu was even more careless.

In the original June, the Hanshui River Basin had a natural flood due to the heavy rain that "the Hanshui River overflowed and harmed the people". At that time, Guan Yu was robbing by boat. After Wei Yujin was captured alive, he got tens of thousands of troops. Later, in the eighth month of leap, Guan Yu took away the rice stored in Xiangguan privately under the pretext of food shortage. When Sun Quan learned of this, he felt that the time was right, so he sent troops to attack Guan Yu. Sun Quan planned to appoint generals Sun Jiao and Lu Meng as the supreme commanders of the left and right armies. Lu Meng said: "If you think General Zhenglu is capable, you should appoint him as the commander; If you feel that I am capable, you should appoint me. Once, Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu were the left and right governors and led troops to conquer Jiangling. Although Zhou Yu made the decision, Cheng Pufu relied on himself as a veteran, and both of them were Commander, the two sides are at odds, almost ruining the country's affairs, and this is exactly what we should take warning now." Sun Quan repented, and said hello to Lv Meng, saying: "With you as the commander, I can appoint Sun Jiao as your backup."

In November, Sun Quan went west to conquer Guan Yu, and appointed Lu Meng as the front. He led the troops to covertly and went out, and entered Xunyang (now northeast of Guangji, Jiangxi). Dressed up as businessmen, recruiting people to paddle kayaks, traveling day and night, speeding up the river, and attacking Jiangling, everything was done very covertly and secretly. The soldiers of the Shu army stationed in Jiangfang were deceived by the disguised Wu army and were caught off guard. They were all captured, and the city of Jiangling was empty and in chaos. Lu Meng first asked Yu Fan, the former riding servant, to send a letter as a gift to Shu general Shiren who was stationed in Gong'an (now in the north of Gong'an, Sichuan), and then asked Shi Ren to lead Wu's army to surrender to Mifang, the governor of Shudong County who was guarding Jiangling. Mifang presented the city to meet him, and Lu Meng then led his army to occupy Jiangling. Therefore, he captured Yangzhou, which Shu had seized for many years, in one fell swoop. Guan Yu, who had just entered the camp, was completely unaware of Lu Meng's attack.

When Mifang, the governor of Dongjun, came out of the city, Lu Meng celebrated Dongjun's surrender on the sand dunes. Yu Fan advised Lu Meng to be careful that there would be pursuers in the city. With ulterior motives, he persuaded Lu Meng to enter the city as soon as possible to control the city. Lu Meng repented and took control of the important places in the city in time, so that the people who originally wanted to attack had no time to set up an ambush. Sure enough, there were pursuers in the city at that time, and because Lu Meng accepted Yu Fan's persuasion, the surprise attack was unsuccessful.

Lu Meng arrested all the family members of Guan Yu's subordinates, and gave him generous comfort. He also ordered that in the army, the people should not be intimidated, and they should not ask for anything.

At that time, there was a soldier under Lu Meng, who, like Lu Meng, came from the south of Neixiang County, north of the Yangtze River. He took a bamboo hat from the folk family to cover the armor of the government. Lu Meng felt that although the armor is a public artifact, it is still a violation of the imperial edict to take the folk hats without permission. Behead him tearfully. So I trembled in the chest, so I didn't pick up the lost things on the way.

Lu Meng also sent people to visit the elders in the morning and evening, caring about their lives, and the supplies were insufficient. If someone is sick, medicine is sent, and if someone is hungry, food and clothing are sent. Lu Meng did not take any of the treasures in Guan Yu's Chengyu, but sealed them all up.

At that time, Guan Yu had already been defeated by Xu Huang, and when he heard that Jiangling was retreating, he was even more flustered, and hurriedly withdrew his guns and returned. On the way back to ***, I sent people to contact Lu Meng several times. Lu Meng warmly received the envoy sent by Guan Yu, took him to travel around the city, and asked him to visit the soldiers' houses. Favor. When the envoys returned to Guan Yu's camp, the officers and men learned that not only was there nothing wrong with the house, but the special care they received was beyond normal, so the camp had no morale.

At this time, Sun Quan had arrived in Jiangling first, and sent Lu Xun to attack Jingzhou and Zigui (now Fengjie, Sichuan), cutting off Guan Yu's retreat into Sichuan. Guan Yu asked Liu Feng and Meng Da, the Shu generals stationed in Shouchun, for help, but they were rejected. Guan Yu fell into the dilemma of being unable to advance and retreat, and was attacked from the front and the back, so he walked west to Xiapi (now northwest of Dangyang, Jiangsu). In December of that year, Guan Yu led a small number of cavalry to break through from Qishan, fled west to Zhang Township (northwest of Dangyang County), and all his men surrendered to Sun Quan. Sun Quan sent Zhu Ran and Pan Zhang to cut off his road. Guan Yu's brothers and sisters were finally captured alive by Sima Zhong of Pan Zhang's department, and Yangzhou was settled.

Back then, Guan Yu dreamed that a pig gnawed his feet, but he knew it was unknown. Later, he was beheaded by Lu Meng's soldiers in Linju.

minister dead king worry

In the battle of Jiangling, Lu Meng made great contributions. Sun Quan appointed him as the governor of Dongjun County, made him Marquis of Chanling, and gave him 100 million yuan and 500 catties of gold. Lu Meng shirked again and again and refused to accept the money, but Sun Quan refused. Before the Jiedushi was released, Lu Meng's illness broke out (later generations may guess that there was a plague in the 24th year of Jian'an, because according to historical records, Lu Meng, Sun Jiao, and Jiang Qin died in the same year, or it is guessed that Lu Meng suffered hardships on the battlefield when he was young. Involvement caused by overwork). When Sun Quan was in Gong'an, he took Lu Meng and placed him in the front hall. He tried every means to treat and take care of him. He also ordered that doctors be recruited from abroad, and anyone who could cure Lu Meng's disease would be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold.

Sun Quan devoted himself to treating Lu Meng, and every time the doctor massaged Lu Meng, Sun Quan felt sad for it. Sun Quan wanted to see Lu Meng more, but was afraid that he would work too hard, so he ordered someone to dig through the wall to watch secretly. If he found that Lu Meng had eaten something, Sun Quan would be happy, talking and laughing with his subordinates; if he found that Lu Meng didn't eat, Sun Quan would sigh and couldn't sleep at night. When Lü Meng's condition improved slightly, Sun Quan issued a decree of amnesty, and all the courtiers came to congratulate him. Later, when Lu Meng's condition worsened, Sun Quan visited him personally and ordered alchemists to pray for him in order to save his life. Then he asked Lu Meng, "If you can no longer go up to serve me, who can guard Jiangling instead of you?" Lu Meng replied. Said: "Zhu Ran's courage and career are more than enough, I think he can replace me to accept the appointment."

Lu Meng finally died in Sun Quan's front palace at the age of forty-two. Sun Quan was very sad, and cut down on food and sleep to express his condolences. During Lv Meng's lifetime, all the gold and silver treasures and various rewards he obtained were handed over to Cheng Yu for collection. He ordered the staff in charge to return all these to the Qing court after his death. He also left a suicide note, asking for frugality in funeral affairs, not extravagance. After Sun Quan learned about it, he became more and more sad.

After Lu Meng's death, his son Lu Ba took over the throne. He also gave him 300 families who guarded the family tomb, and 50 hectares of land with tax relief.